After many months of hard work, Steve L. passed his 1st class Scouting 100 meter swim test. For weeks we went to the rec center pool at 6:00 am so he could work on his goal and then he worked for weeks with a private teacher until he could go the distance! His teary eyed mom couldn't be more proud.
Dad was out of town all last week. When Ellie brought me this picture for the blog I was afraid she was going to say it was a picture of me. Thankfully she told me it was a crazy robot instead.
Our family loves travel, hiking, camping, birding, reading alound,
biking and playing games together. We currently live in Utah with our 5 children.
Whitney, 17 is a serious student and award winning needle felter. Steve L. is 15 and a Boy Scout. He is a Lego enthusiast, a veracious reader, and a great actor and public speaker. Daniel is 12 and a 1st class Scout and competition fencer. Janey is 10 and loves life. She loves being on the swim team, sewing, cooking and playing the violin. Ellie is 7. She loves dancing, reading and is quite the artist.