Thursday, July 31, 2008

Americone Dream by Steve

After committing myself to testing only top ten flavors listed on the B&J website, Noreen brought this flavor home. I read the label and thought to myself, what could a vanilla ice cream based, caramel swirled, and chocolate covered waffle cone bits ice cream possibly hold for me. Seemed too plain, too simple.

I cracked the scriptures and began reading the story of David and Goliath as I ate my ice cream. Five smooth bites later I realized that I had a David on my hands, a real fighter. The vanilla base was pure and simple. The caramel stream was flavorful and creamy. The legion of chocolate covered chocolate waffle stones I slung into my mouth defied my expectations and nearly conquered me. I had found a contender.

This is the only ice cream pint I have completed and enjoyed to the last bite as much as NYSFC. In fact I would have to say that this crunchy last bite might have even been a better than the last bite I took of NYSFC. Hard to recollect at, oh my aching head. Let's call it a draw, for now.

1 comment:

Andy and Marsha Gibbons said...

I am feeling relieved that this week's adventure turned out well after so many bad weeks before. Your adventures with new flavors and their descriptions is as close as I dare go to ice cream right now. Gotta watch the girlish figure, you know.