Friday, August 22, 2008

Conquering Goliath

We all have things that come naturally to us, and things that seem impossible for us to do. For Steve L., building amazing Lego creations, making people laugh, reading, being kind, public speaking and being dependable as the sun, all come naturally.

Swimming did not.

Considering the fact that he refused to put on a swim suit the first time we went to the pool this summer, much less stick his face in the water, Steve has come a long way! Over 50 feet in fact. Tuesday Steve passed off his swimming test for his 2nd class scout rank. It was so exciting to see him conquer his Goliath. He is a great example to me. Way to go Steve!


Mrs. O said...

You're a great inspiration!

Anonymous said...

I remember when I had to pass off a certain level of swimming at our community pool and I had to jump off the high dive. I was frozen in space. Well it seemed like space because to me it seemed that high. I stood up their forever and ever not thinking I could ever do such a thing. I arranged a time to do it where there would not be too many people at the pool, but I do remember my teach encouraging me to jump. All of a sudden I was jumping. At that time in my life I really learned to love swimming and in the 6th grade I joined a synchronized swim team. We had a costume and preformed and everything. You are doing so well Steve that maybe there is a future in, well lets say, synchronized diving. Love Grandma N

Andy and Marsha Gibbons said...

Steve L.! And you were smiling at the end of it! You kissed that frog, and it won't bother you any more.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Steve. That says a lot about your character that you could face a personal challenge like that.