Friday, September 19, 2008

Reach for the Stars by Whitney

Last Friday there was a school dance (Called Reach for the Stars) to celebrate the first week of school. It was really fun, and I went with my Friend Aubry.We got there on time and where one of the first 100 people there so we got a free piece of pizza! There where Irish dancers and there were fireworks that we watched that were at the Scout Jamboree down the road. I stayed up till 11:00 and was really tired.

The first two weeks of school have been awesome! I am taking algebra, choir, photography, and world history on "A" day, and leadership, seminary, biology, and English on "B" day.

I was nominated by the school board to be on the school senate! I'm the only freshman in the senate! It is cool and I can't wait for the rest of the school year!

(Note by Mom: We are very excited for Whitney to have the chance be in the school senate. She had to impress the socks off her mentor and the School's Vision Director in order to be chosen for the Senate, because their are only about 15 of them they don't typically choose Freshmen. Way to go Whitney. We know you'll do a great job!)

Me and Aubry.

In our neighborhood they ride bikes in the cul-de-sac. In Aubry's they ride horses!

Ellie loves horses!

1 comment:

Andy and Marsha Gibbons said...

Senator Gibbons....has a nice ring to it.