Thursday, November 6, 2008

Homecomming and Choir by Whitney

Last week at school there were two exciting things that happened. First was the Homecoming dance. It was really cool and I went with my friend Aubry. I borrowed my mum's blue taffeta skirt and a white blouse. I went over to Aubry's house to get ready, and then we went to the dance. It was really cool and I got home at 12:30. It ended at 11:00, but I went to Aubry's to get my stuff and we were tired, so it took ten times longer than it should.

I also had a choir concert too. It was really neat. There are three choirs. Anyone one can get into concert choir, but you have to audition to get into Bel Conto (A woman's only choir, I'm this one), and Madrigals, which is a choir for girls and boys. And the different bands where playing too. It went really well. Bel Conto sang three songs; Johnny said "No", Vois Tushionmea (A french song), and Al Shlosha (a Hebrew song). We sounded really good and we got a standing ovation from the crowd and the madrigals. It was really neat, and Mrs. Steinman said we where so good, that we are going to perform at temple square at Christmas time! I can't wait. (Eventhough we have to memorize five new songs that I've never heard before.)

1 comment:

Mrs. O said...

Please let us know when you're performance is, we'd love to come and watch.