Thursday, November 20, 2008

Life after Neverland by Noreen

Life after Neverland –

After the curtain closed Monday on the final performance of Peter Pan, (yes, I dutifully watched my children in all 6 performances,) I had to “grow-up” and contemplate putting structure and order back in our lives. I officially declared Tuesday “recover from Peter Pan day.” I let everyone sleep in (after many late night performances) and then put them all to work. We cleaned and did laundry for 9 hours straight. Wednesday we woke to our wonderfully clean house and rebooted our familiar homeschool routine. (Now if I could just get the songs out of my head!) The play was a great experience and the kids are looking forward to doing another. I told them it could be an annual project, because I just don’t think I (or my house) could handle the intense play schedule more often than that.

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