Thursday, June 5, 2008

Letter from the Editor by Noreen

Thank you so much for your positive feedback on our new family blog. We appreciate everyone who visited, and especially the comments you made to the kids (we are still waiting for Grandparents and some Aunts and Uncles to weigh in!) I heard from a friend that she tried to leave a comment and couldn’t, so please let us know if you are having technical difficulties and we’ll see what we can do. Have a great week!


Jennifer said...

I'm so happy you've decided to publish a newsletter. It's fun to take a peak into your world. I hope you will share glimpses into your experiences in New Zealand too. I would have liked to see you when I was passing through Utah. Until then - happy blogging!!!

beccamom1 said...

Wow! This is great! I need you to show me how to do this! Also, I appreciate the reminder that there is new info on it or else I would forget. Love you guys!