Sunday, September 13, 2009

Cycling Merit Badge

On Saturday, as a scout group we went on a 50 MILE BIKE RIDE!!!!!!!!! We got up in the morning at 6:00 and had a tiny breakfast, then left. We started the ride at the head of the Jordan River parkway, and set out! It was hard, long, and tiring but we got 37 miles in before lunchtime! Back at the head of the trail, the moms had put together a lunch buffet. (Funny, I wonder why it’s spelled like that) It was delicious! We started out again, but the last 10 miles must have been the worst ten miles in the world! In the course of five minutes everyone had a flat tire! Shortly after fixing Eric’s tire (he’s one of the scouts) he completely BLEW his back tire! It was hard but we had a lot of fun! (It still hurts to sit down though.)

1 comment:

Andy and Marsha Gibbons said...

This is an awesome accomplishment. Way to go Steve.